Sunday, November 22

I am a happy boy

new beginnings are nice
because they remind you
that there are
new beginnings.

Wednesday, July 15

At long last the day has come

It's certainly been awhile. I knew I couldn't be an interesting/consistent blogger. Anyway.

I really hate discovering great albums a year after-the-fact. It's true that I'm a college student and have no money and sort-of pride myself in buying all of my music, but I really wish I had found Air France's No Way Down EP when it released. I haven't heard anything so blissful and unconventionally catchy since... well, ever, and I can only imagine how much I would have enjoyed this whirlwind of Balearic wonder at school and in Hawai'i.

There will be plenty of time for me to explore No Way Down in Hungary, however, which I'm pleased to say is less than 24 hours away. Joanna and I are departing from JFK at 5:40 PM EST, arriving in Helsinki at 8:50 AM EEST (1:50 AM EST), and then taking off again at 9:30 AM EEST to arrive in Budapest at 10:50 AM CEST (11:50 AM EEST, 4:50 AM EST). Almost 11 hours of flight time, plus at least 4 hours of airport business. Yeesh. So while everyone in New York is undoubtedly getting a good night's rest (or wishing they were), we will happily be setting foot onto Hungarian soil for the first time. This is all theoretical, of course, as we are flying Finnair, an airline whose forte appears to be delays and unfriendly service. But hey, shit happens, and as long as we get there I won't be complaining.

Thankfully both mine and Joanna's computers are staying stateside, but if I come across an internet café or some other such thing I may make an attempt at reporting on our travels or uploading some pictures. If not, we will return on the 31st with many beautiful experiences and stories to share.


Wednesday, June 17

I's in love

I can't wait for a new album. It's been too long.

Wednesday, June 10

Cody is laying on my head

Cody is a dog, by the way. I hate him, but when he isn't stealing my food or ignoring me when I call him inside or barking ceaselessly at passersby, he's almost cute enough to appreciate.

Also, I think it's safe to say that Bitte Orca will be my endlessly-played summer album this year.

Friday, June 5

Pixar never disappoints

Up is fantastic. Nowhere near Nemo or WALL-E, but what is. Since I'm compulsive and like lists, here's how I rank Pixar's films:

Finding Nemo
Toy Story
Toy Story 2
Monster's Inc.
A Bug's Life
The Incredibles

I still haven't seen Ratatouille. Bordering on sacrilege, I know.
Finally saw Ratatouille sometime in August. No other movie has made me more hungry.

Thursday, June 4

I hate Kelly Rowland so much

And nevermind about not using this.

Wednesday, June 3


I probably won't use this until Hungary.